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Puzzy Games苹果版

Puzzy Games苹果版



版本: 1.1.2

大小: 36.1MB

语言: 其它语言

分类: 智力游戏

授权: 免费软件

更新: 2021-02-22

系统: iphone/ipad/ipod/

Loves puzzle then you are right place, Here right now three types of the puzzle which have different options.
* Number Puzzle -> Here you can play from 3 to 10 different type of puzzle-like in 3 x 3 you need to order the random number in the sequence.
* Word Puzzle -> Here you can choose various option it will give you 5 different text which will exist in the random alphabet, you need to find them all.
Play more win more. In the end, there will some special for you. so why are waiting? Install it and let's start to show your talent to the world.

Improve UI & minor bug fixed