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Leica FOTOS苹果版

Leica FOTOS苹果版



版本: 2.2.9

大小: 270.2MB

语言: 简体中文

分类: 摄影录像

授权: 免费软件

更新: 2021-02-16

系统: iphone/ipod/

?- One app for all your Leica cameras
?- Transfer photos from your cameras
?- Edit with dedicated Lightroom button
?- See every detail and check exposure
?- Remote control your camera
?- Manage your camera settings
?- Download full DNGs from your camera
?- Start and stop remote video recordingIt is simpler than ever before to connect to your camera.

Leica FOTOS currently supports Leica S (Typ 007), Leica S3, Leica SL, Leica SL2, Leica M10, Leica M10-P, Leica M10-D, Leica M10 MONOCHROM, Leica M10-R, Leica Q, Leica Q-P, Leica Q2, Leica CL, Leica T (Typ 701), Leica TL, Leica TL2,? Leica D-Lux (Type 109), Leica D-Lux 7, Leica V-Lux, Leica V-Lux 5 and Leica C-Lux.

Please visit our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use for more information:
?- Terms of Use:https://en.leica-camera.com/terms-of-use-leica-fotos
?- Privacy Policy:https://en.leica-camera.com/privacy-policy-leica-fotos

- Fixed an issue with remote wakeup while turning camera on
- Improved the ordering of downloaded photos in Apple Photos